By: Rich Finegan
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that there is "debate about the role of the foreskin, with possible functions including keeping the glans moist, protecting the developing penis in utero, or to enhance sexual pleasure due to the presence of nerve receptors". [1]
I would like to suggest an additional function of foreskin:
Foreskin is a warm-waterproof "blanket" for the glans/penis-head
A Blanket
What are the functions of a blanket?
- To protect your body when the weather or environment is cold or hot (keep you warm)
- To protect your body from mosquito or any insects bite.
Do you need to say thank you when someone give you a blanket?
Yes, you need to, because a blanket can protect you from cold weather and insects.
No, you don’t have to, you can reject it when the blanket can’t be used for keeping you warm or keep you away from insects, or it is an unusual blanket.
Do you need to clean your blanket?
Yes, you have to clean it regularly, however when you were a kid your parent might help you washing it. If you don’t wash it, it can be dirty, stink and become a source of diseases.
Do you need a beautiful blanket?
It is great if you are given a beautiful blanket; however a standard blanket should be good enough as long as it can make you warm and keep you away from insects.
Are you at risk if you allow unknown people using your blanket?
Yes, other people can transmit their disease to you such as flu, skin diseases, etc. It is better for you to reject your blanket which was used by unknown people.
A blanket can be useful for you and can be a source of disease if you do not keep it clean.
Without a blanket especially in cold environment, you will suffer more than others who still have blanket.
Your decision to keep or reject a blanket depends on:
- whether you get a standard and useful blanket or not
- whether you have commitment to clean it regularly or not
- whether you want to prevent it from being used by unknown people or not
What are the functions of the foreskin?
Do you need to say thank you when God give you foreskin? - To protect glans/penis-head (indirectly protect prostate) when the weather or environment is cold or hot (keep your glans and prostate warm)
- To protect your glans from mosquito or any insects bite.
Yes, you need to; because the foreskin can protect you from cold environment and insects.
No, you don’t have to; you can reject (circumcise) it when the foreskin can’t be used for keeping you warm or you get an abnormal foreskin.
Do you need to clean your foreskin?
Yes, you have to clean it regularly, however when you were a kid, your parent might help you clean it. If you don’t clean it, it can be dirty, stink and become a source of diseases.
Do you need a beautiful foreskin?
It is great if you are given a beautiful foreskin; however a standard and normal foreskin should be good enough as long as it can make your glans warm.
Are you at risk if you allow unknown people using your foreskin (free sex habit)?
Yes, if you have free sex habit or changing sex partner habit, you are at risk, you can be infected by diseases such as AIDS, Herpes, or other male genital disease. It is better for you not to use that foreskin again (circumcise it).
The foreskin can be useful for you and can be a source of disease if you do not keep it clean.
Without foreskin especially in cold environment, you will suffer more than others who still have foreskin.
Your decision to circumcise (reject) or uncircumcised (keep) the foreskin depends on:
If all of your answers are “Yes”, then circumcision is not compulsory - whether you get a standard/normal foreskin or not
- whether you have commitment to clean it regularly or not
- whether you want to prevent it from being used by unknown people or not (whether you want to avoid free sex or changing partner habit or not).
If one of your answers is “No” then circumcision is compulsory
Based on the explanations, we can understand the conclusion by many researchers to choose circumcision (reject the “blanket”) option to prevent HIV virus or other male genital diseases in some countries which habit of changing sex partner is the main caused of disease spreading.
[1] (page 18)
* This article is not part of Rich's book content
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