Senin, 16 Agustus 2010


Just want to share my thought:

Attached photo are the way of baby bathing (using bathtub-warm water) that I think can reduce Urinary Tract infection ( UTI ) or other infection in a baby. This way of bathing is also applicable to a girl baby to reduce genital infection.

In my opinion, parent usually does not pay serious attention to this way of bathing because:

  1. The weather is cold/rainy
  2. The baby is sick/having fever
  3. Abnormal/weak baby that need incubator
  4. The water is rare

The benefit of this way of bathing:

  • The water can clean the genital area/wash-out the potential virus/bacteria
  • Sometimes there is soap in the bathtub which also having benefit to kill the potential bacteria/virus in genital area.
  • This way of baby bathing has similar benefit with Japanese Jacuzzi for adult people.

In my opinion, this way of bathing should be informed to parents (both who choose to circumcise or not to circumcise their baby) , and I think this way of bathing can be done until the baby reach 2 years old.

Senin, 08 Februari 2010


Just a short question "HAVE YOU EVER TRIED TO CHEW CONDOMS?"

Do you think you will get infection in your throat if you try it in long term?
If your answer is "no chance for infection" then forget about this.
If your answer is "Yes, there is chance for infection", then what happen to your wife's "Cervix" which is similar to a throat in woman reproduction system.

I am not saying that we should not use condom.
If you agree that there is a chance for cervix infection because it 'chew' condoms, then please take your wife for medical screening once or twice a year especially cervix area e.g. Pap Smear test. This is just for prevention.

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Is temperature shock concept is pure hypothesis? NO, it is not.

I (author) have tested the effect of temperature shock several times and it really effect pee activity (feeling uncomfortable at prostate area) for several days. I  handled this temperature shock problem with local herb which has dieuretic benefit.

Now I do not want to try it anymore and it is better to use the cheapest way to prevent prostate problem which is only: WARM WATER (around body temperature at 37 degree celcius) for cleaning body and bathing.

Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Temperature Shock Impact on a Machine

Temperature Shock Impact on a Machine
 By: Rich Finegan

I quoted   an  interesting  article, hope you enjoy it.

Temperature shock of hydraulic components and how to avoid it [1]
(quoted with  permission from: Brendan Casey -

A client recently asked me to investigate and solve a recurring problem on a diving bell launch and recovery system. The system comprised of a hydraulic power unit, a bell winch, an umbilical winch and a guide-wire winch.

To launch the bell, the guide-wire winch is used to lower a clump weight to the seabed (the guide wires prevent the bell from spinning during launch and recovery) and then the bell and its umbilical are launched using their respective winches.

After the divers have finished their shift on the seabed (usually 6-8 hours) the bell and its umbilical are recovered, followed by the clump weight.

The problem was occurring during recovery of the clump weight with the guide-wire winch. The hydraulic motor on this winch was of radial piston design. When the winch was summoned to haul up the clump weight, the distributor shear pin (designed to prevent torque from being applied to the distributor valve), was frequently shearing, rendering the winch unserviceable. Once this pin has sheared, the distributor must be removed from the motor and the pin replaced. Apart from the obvious inconvenience, this was resulting in costly downtime. The cause of this problem was temperature shock.

What is temperature shock?
When there is a significant difference between the temperature of a hydraulic component and the fluid being supplied to it, rapid, localized heating of the internal parts of the component can occur. This causes individual parts of the component to expand at different rates, resulting in interference between parts that normally have fine clearances.

How does this happen?
Temperature shock occurs when part of a hydraulic circuit is operated for long enough for the hydraulic fluid in the system to reach operating temperature, and then a previously idle part of the circuit is functioned. This results in hot fluid being delivered to cold components.

In the example described above, due to the length of time between the launch of the bell and its recovery, the hydraulic system was at ambient temperature at the start of the recovery operation.

By the time the bell and its umbilical had been hauled up 450 feet and were safely on deck, the hydraulic fluid was at operating temperature. But the guide-wire winch, which had been idle during this time, was still at ambient temperature.

When the guide-wire winch was operated to recover the clump weight, the hot fluid entering the cold motor was causing the distributor valve to expand and bind in its housing, resulting in failure of the shear pin and rendering the motor unserviceable.

How can this be prevented?
The solution to this problem and the fix in the above example is quite simple. To prevent htemperature shock of hydraulic motors, the motor's case must be continuously 'flushed' (positive circulation of a relatively small volume of fluid through the case). This ensures that the motor is always at the same temperature as the fluid in the system.

After reading this article , we can see the effect of temperature shock to a machine. Offcourse not all parts of machine are affected equally by the same temperature shock such as: tyre, mirror, belt, trunk, hydrolic component, etc. Same as machine, not all parts of human body are affected equally by the same temperature shock, such as: hair, nail, mouth, fingers, glans/penis-head. So, only certain parts of human body are sensitive with temperature shock and cause problem to us and in this case, the glans/penis-head (indirectly affects the prostate) which  has many sensitive nerve (we can say many sensitive sensors).

Hopes this article can give a better understanding on temperature shock concept.


Note: This article is not part of Rich's book content.

Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

How temperature shock can be a suspect of Enlarged Prostate Problem/BPH - an analysis

How temperature shock can be a suspect of Enlarged Prostate Problem/BPH - an analysis *
By: Rich Finegan

(Additional article to “Enlarged Prostate problem, temperature shock, and longevity issue”)

(Image source: National Cancer Institute) -

The prostate from Greek προστάτης - prostates, literally "one who stands before", "protector", "guardian". [wikipedia-]

A Protector of what? I would say, it is a protector of sperm; A sperm is from the ancient Greek word σπέρμα (seed) and ζῷον (living being) - . So we can say that prostate is a protector of human seed which is the most important componen for human existence in this world.

Prostate is not a protector or guardian from knive, rifle or other weapons to the sperm, it is not bulletproof gland. From my analysis, prostate is a protector agains temperature shock that can destroy the source of energy for sperm in Seminal Vesicle, in other word, the prostate is a protector or guardian of seminal vesicle (food storage) and indrectly to sperm (seed).

The seminal vesicle contributes the majority of the fluid volume of the ejaculate. Seminal vesicle secretions are rich in fructose and prostaglandins. While fructose may be an important energy source for spermatozoa, the role of prostaglandins is unknown. The seminal vesicle also produces several androgen-dependent secretory proteins that are involved in the rapid clotting of the ejaculate (

It is revealed that too hot or too cold temperature can affect the sperm life and movement and also may cause vertility issue. So temperature is the main issue in the male reproduction system. A regular or big temperature shock to the sensitive glans (retreched glans) will trigger the prostate to protect the “seed and food storage”, by absorbing the shock. A regular temperature shock (or other shocks) will make the prostate to adjust its size.

In previous article “Enlarged Prostate problem, temperature shock, and longevity issue” it is mentioned that: the biggest temperature shock to the prostate could happen when a man (circumcised or uncircumcised) is washing his glans with cold water or water at air conditioned temperature immediately after ejaculation (having sex or masturbation). That cold water will shock the nerve, blood vessel, and prostate which are in active condition. In normal sex intercourse, the glans is expecting warm temperature which is vagina temperature or body temperature not the cold temperature.

During sex activity (including masturbation), male sex organs are in ready and active condition, and the temperature shock with cold water to the sex organs (glans) will be a threat to the ‘seed” and here is the prostate coming as the protector to absorbed the shock, and this is the main suspect of Enlarged Prostate problem or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

Please note that enlarged prostate problem/BPH main caused is still unknown until now; the analysis in these articles are subject to further research. The analysis on temperature shock and prostate problem relationship has the logic and there is nothing wrong to know the possibility that affect our longevity and makes a prevention which is quite easy-just warm water.

For better understanding on temperature shock, please read the effect of temperature shock to a machine system in article "Temperature Shock Impact on a Machine".
* This article is not part of Rich's book

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

The Foreskin Function (new)

Foreskin Function (new) *
By: Rich Finegan

What is the function of foreskin?
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that there is "debate about the role of the foreskin, with possible functions including keeping the glans moist, protecting the developing penis in utero, or to enhance sexual pleasure due to the presence of nerve receptors". [1]

I would like to suggest  an  additional  function  of  foreskin:
Foreskin is a warm-waterproof "blanket" for the glans/penis-head

A Blanket

What are the functions of a blanket?
  • To protect your body when the weather or environment is cold or hot (keep you  warm)
  • To protect your body from mosquito or any insects bite.
Do you need to say thank you when someone give you a blanket?
Yes, you need to, because a blanket can protect you from cold weather and insects.
No, you don’t have to, you can reject it when the blanket can’t be used for keeping you warm or keep you away from insects, or it is an unusual blanket.

Do you need to clean your blanket?
Yes, you have to clean it regularly, however when you were a kid your parent might help you washing it. If you don’t wash it, it can be dirty, stink and become a source of diseases.

Do you need a beautiful blanket?
It is great if you are given a beautiful blanket; however a standard blanket should be good enough as long as it can make you warm and keep you away from insects.

Are you at risk if you allow unknown people using your blanket?
Yes, other people can transmit their disease to you such as flu, skin diseases, etc. It is better for you to reject your blanket which was used by unknown people.

A blanket can be useful for you and can be a source of disease if you do not keep it clean.
Without a blanket especially in cold environment, you will suffer more than others who still have blanket.

Your decision to keep or reject a blanket depends on:
  1. whether you get a standard and useful blanket or not
  2. whether you have commitment to clean it regularly or not
  3. whether you want to prevent it from being used by unknown people or not
The Foreskin

What are the functions of the foreskin?
  • To protect glans/penis-head (indirectly protect prostate) when the weather or environment is cold or hot (keep your glans and prostate warm)
  • To protect your glans from mosquito or any insects bite.
Do you need to say thank you when God give you foreskin?
Yes, you need to; because the foreskin can protect you from cold environment and insects.
No, you don’t have to; you can reject (circumcise) it when the foreskin can’t be used for keeping you warm or you get an abnormal foreskin.

Do you need to clean your foreskin?
Yes, you have to clean it regularly, however when you were a kid, your parent might help you clean it. If you don’t clean it, it can be dirty, stink and become a source of diseases.

Do you need a beautiful foreskin?
It is great if you are given a beautiful foreskin; however a standard and normal foreskin should be good enough as long as it can make your glans warm.

Are you at risk if you allow unknown people using your foreskin (free sex habit)?
Yes, if you have free sex habit or changing sex partner habit, you are at risk, you can be infected by diseases such as AIDS, Herpes, or other male genital disease. It is better for you not to use that foreskin again (circumcise it).

The foreskin can be useful for you and can be a source of disease if you do not keep it clean.
Without foreskin especially in cold environment, you will suffer more than others who still have foreskin.

Your decision to circumcise (reject) or uncircumcised (keep) the foreskin depends on:
  1. whether you get a standard/normal foreskin or not
  2. whether you have commitment to clean it regularly or not
  3. whether you want to prevent it from being used by unknown people or not (whether you want to avoid free sex or changing partner habit or not).
If all of your answers are “Yes”, then circumcision is not compulsory
If one of your answers is “No” then circumcision is compulsory

Based on the explanations, we can understand the conclusion by many researchers to choose circumcision (reject the “blanket”) option to prevent HIV virus or other male genital diseases in some countries which habit of changing sex partner is the main caused of disease spreading.

[1] (page 18)

* This article is not part of Rich's book content

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Enlarged Prostate problem, Temperature Shock and Longevity issue

Enlarged Prostate problem, Temperature Shock and Longevity issue *
(By: Rich Finegan)

(Image source: National Cancer Institute)

The main caused of Enlarged Prostate problem or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is unknown until know and it is a common opinion that the prostate gland (a walnut-sized gland that forms part of the male reproductive system) to become enlarged as a man ages, and half of old men are indicated to have some symptoms of enlarged prostate such as a weak stream, feeling that the bladder has not fully emptied, difficulty starting the urine flow even when the bladder feels full, more frequent urination especially at night, etc.

In this article, I am trying to analyze the cause of enlarged prostate problem (BPH) from the temperature shock point of view; and I hope this article can be an idea for further research on enlarged prostate problem and prostate cancer possibility.

Temperature Shock
Temperature shock is a condition when our body encounters external things or environments that have a different temperature from our body and some of the body’s energy is released to adjust to that difference
Temperature shock to our body can be from cold or hot drinking water, cold or hot water for bathing and swimming, cold or hot air or weather. Hypothermia (caused by cold temperature environment) is also an example of temperature shock and can cause death to a person.

Enlarged Prostate problem and Temperature Shock
If there are two nude men, one is circumcised (the glans/penis-head is in open position) and the other one is uncircumcised laying under sun light and the weather temperature is around 42˚ Celsius or 107.6˚ Fahrenheit (a few degree above body temperature, 37˚ Celsius or 98.5˚ Fahrenheit) up to an hour, which one will have more chance of problems or infection on their glans (penis-head)? It should be the circumcised man, because no skin to protect the glans, and the heat at glans will be transmitted to nearest part, which is prostate by the nerve and blood or blood vessel.

If there are two nude men, one is circumcised and the other is uncircumcised in a swimming pool at 20˚ Celsius or 68˚ Fahrenheit for an hour, which one will feel uncomfortable at their glans? It should be the circumcised man, because there is no foreskin to protect the glans from outside cold temperature. The cold temperature at the glans will be transmitted to prostate by the nerve and blood or blood vessel. For more extreme, we can change the swimming pool temperature to 10˚ Celsius or 50 Fahrenheit.

Based on those 2 illustrations, we can say that if the glans is in open position (no foreskin or the foreskin is retracted) there is bigger risk of temperature shock to glans and the prostate. In daily life this temperature shock can be happened to both circumcised and uncircumcised men. For uncircumcised men, washing glans with cold water by retracting the foreskin will make the condition the same as circumcised men.

The biggest temperature shock to the prostate could happen when a man (circumcised or uncircumcised) is washing his glans with cold water or water at air conditioned temperature immediately after ejaculation (having sex or masturbation). That cold water will shock the nerve, blood vessel, and prostate which are in active condition. In normal sex intercourse, the glans is expecting warm temperature which is vagina temperature or body temperature not the cold temperature.

This condition is similar to a hot-running machine suddenly poured with cold water, and that machine will be in trouble in long run. Even a hot glass can be easily cracked if it is suddenly poured with cold water. For comparison, you can search in Google with keyword “temperature shock” to see the effects on a machine condition caused by temperature shock.

We are not focusing on circumcision here as there are pro and contra on that topic and it can be an endless debate, because both of them have positive and negative points; we want to point that the enlarged prostate problem (BPH) can be happened to both circumcised and uncircumcised men as explained above.

By logic, the prostate should not get bigger itself, because none of our body is getting bigger such as kidney, penis, testis, lungs, lymph, etc. even if they get a bit bigger, they should not disturb daily life activity, such as urinate activity in enlarged prostate problem; there must be something cause it bigger, and from this analysis, a regular temperature shock to the glans is the main suspect of enlarged prostate problem (BPH).

Japanese “Jacuzzi”
There is a good habit from Japanese people to have “Jacuzzi” (stay in a warm bathtub). The ideal water temperature in “Jacuzzi” should be around our body temperature 37˚ Celsius or 98.5˚ Fahrenheit. This habit has it owns benefit, such as cleaning the foreskin, glans and also keep the glans warm which also avoid or reduce temperature shock to the prostate. I would say that, this is one of Japanese longevity secrets whether they realize it or not.

Enlarge Prostate problem and longevity issue
Enlarge Prostate (BPH) problem can be a longevity issue because it disturbs a man’s night sleeping activity, and sleeping problem is the root of body metabolism and immune systems.

How to reduce Enlarged Prostate (BPH) risk:
To reduce enlarged prostate risk, we need to reduce temperature shock to the glans, such as:

  • take a rest a few hours or go to sleep after having sex (or masturbation) activity to relax your prostate, nerve, blood vessel before washing the foreskin or glans with warm water,
  • wash the foreskin or glans with warm water (body temperature) especially after ejaculation (having sex / masturbation) while in hurry,
  • take a bath with warm water (at body temperature) is recommended for old age men (incl. women),
  • start your own warm water “Jacuzzi” (at body temperature) once in a while in your bathtub or any available place for a few minutes.
Old mother advice “Don’t take a bath late at night (unless with warm water)” is a valuable advice because there is a longevity issue there.

[1] Finegan, Rich. The Secrets of Health = The Secrets of Wealth; A chance to live more than 100 years. Carleston: CreateSpace, 2009.

* This article is not part of the book  [1] content