Senin, 16 Agustus 2010


Just want to share my thought:

Attached photo are the way of baby bathing (using bathtub-warm water) that I think can reduce Urinary Tract infection ( UTI ) or other infection in a baby. This way of bathing is also applicable to a girl baby to reduce genital infection.

In my opinion, parent usually does not pay serious attention to this way of bathing because:

  1. The weather is cold/rainy
  2. The baby is sick/having fever
  3. Abnormal/weak baby that need incubator
  4. The water is rare

The benefit of this way of bathing:

  • The water can clean the genital area/wash-out the potential virus/bacteria
  • Sometimes there is soap in the bathtub which also having benefit to kill the potential bacteria/virus in genital area.
  • This way of baby bathing has similar benefit with Japanese Jacuzzi for adult people.

In my opinion, this way of bathing should be informed to parents (both who choose to circumcise or not to circumcise their baby) , and I think this way of bathing can be done until the baby reach 2 years old.

Senin, 08 Februari 2010


Just a short question "HAVE YOU EVER TRIED TO CHEW CONDOMS?"

Do you think you will get infection in your throat if you try it in long term?
If your answer is "no chance for infection" then forget about this.
If your answer is "Yes, there is chance for infection", then what happen to your wife's "Cervix" which is similar to a throat in woman reproduction system.

I am not saying that we should not use condom.
If you agree that there is a chance for cervix infection because it 'chew' condoms, then please take your wife for medical screening once or twice a year especially cervix area e.g. Pap Smear test. This is just for prevention.

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Is temperature shock concept is pure hypothesis? NO, it is not.

I (author) have tested the effect of temperature shock several times and it really effect pee activity (feeling uncomfortable at prostate area) for several days. I  handled this temperature shock problem with local herb which has dieuretic benefit.

Now I do not want to try it anymore and it is better to use the cheapest way to prevent prostate problem which is only: WARM WATER (around body temperature at 37 degree celcius) for cleaning body and bathing.